Journaling is one of the best ways a child can safely explore feelings and emotions without worrying about what others might think. Whether they're writing about their school day or penning a poem about their pet, journal writing provides children with an opportunity to discover who they are. Journaling helps kids dream about the exciting opportunities that await them in the future. Here are eleven reasons why you should start a daily journal for kids.
#1 Provides a Safe Outlet for Children To Explore Their Feelings
While journaling is a fun way to encourage creativity, it is also a highly effective way for children to explore new feelings they may be unfamiliar with. Creative activities like writing can also help with emotional regulation. That’s because it allows for the safe expression of emotions.
This is especially true for young girls entering their pre-teen and teenage years. Many children are afraid of being judged for how they feel and may not feel safe enough to share those feelings with others. A journal or a locking diary provides them with a safe place to write down their true feelings without fear of social repercussions.
#2 Helps Them Process Major Life Events
When difficult life events happen, it can be challenging for children to process their feelings, especially if they have never experienced such hardships in the past. Journaling is a powerful way to cope with grief.
Research studies have found that writing down feelings related to difficult experiences like the loss of a loved one, can help ease the grief. Journaling provides children with an outlet to work through their feelings surrounding the event. It is also a healthy form of self-expression that they can continue to use as they grow older. Journaling is especially helpful during the teenage years when coping with stress in healthy ways becomes more important. Getting your child started with a daily journal younger in life sets them up for greater success.
#3 Fosters Self-Confidence and Promotes Exploration of Interests
Journaling is a great way to boost self-confidence. As children grow older, their interests evolve and change. They may go through different phases and explore a wide variety of hobbies and interests that pique their curiosity and help shape them into the person they will eventually become. Journaling can help your child take note of various accomplishments.
Journaling offers a fun way to explore these new hobbies. Your child can explore different fun journal topics that interest them as they grow throughout the years. However, they don’t really need a specific method of journaling to benefit. Research shows that various types of journaling can improve self-confidence.
#4 Strengthens Reading Comprehension Skills
Learning how to read and write well takes a lot of practice. This is no different from learning to play a new instrument or sport. Journaling can be a fun way to reinforce and build a child's reading and writing skills without resorting to tedious workbook pages or structured writing assignments. In fact, research has demonstrated that writing is a very important way to build early literacy. And, because journal writing involves writing down whatever comes to mind, the child remains in control of what they choose to write about. Free-writing in a journal is a great way to foster a love for writing while allowing them to practice their editing skills.
#5 Offers A Fun Way To Practice Penmanship and Writing Skills
Penmanship is a crucial component of a child's early education. Because typing has become a preferred way to submit homework assignments, many students struggle with writing legibly. Journaling is an excellent way to practice fine motor skills and helps them improve their print and cursive. Writing is extremely important when it comes to learning penmanship. With journaling, your child's penmanship skills will naturally improve without resorting to structured handwriting drills.
# 6 Provides the Opportunity To Reflect on the Day
Journaling is the perfect way for a child to unwind and reflect on their day before going to bed. Not only can journaling improve their ability to sleep, but it can also help them process their feelings about the events that happened throughout their school day and their relationships with their peers. Because journaling does not have to be a structured activity, a child is free to explore and expand on their feelings about a variety of situations.
Journaling can even be used to help kids rewrite parts of their day as they wish it would have happened. They can re-write letters they never intended to send. By using a journal with lock mechanisms to reflect on the highs and lows of their day, they can sort through and better accept complicated feelings and difficult situations with their friends while maintaining their privacy.
#7 Encourages the Development of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to empathize and understand what another person may be feeling during difficult times. A person with higher emotional intelligence can also better understand their own emotions and regulate them without resorting to harmful coping methods. In addition, children who grow up to become adults with high emotional intelligence are better leaders in the workplace and happier overall. Research has shown that journaling can help build emotional intelligence. It provides the space for your child to explore how they may be feeling throughout the day.
#8 Helps Them Learn How To Express Gratitude
Many people tend to fixate on the negative aspects of their life. This habit is also common in children. Journaling offers a great way to teach your child gratitude. Diaries for girls make the perfect gifts for children to write in and reflect on all the things they are grateful for. You could even set a reminder for them to write a quick list of their favorite people, places or things to do as they're enjoying their breakfast. Gratitude journaling can help with stress management too, which is great for kids that get overwhlemed easily at school. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative is a great way to set the tone for a successful school day.
#9 It Is Customizable To Fit Your Child's Needs
A child's journal doesn't have to be a place for emotional self-reflection. Your child can make an academically themed journal too. If your child struggles in a particular subject, you can help them create a curiosity journal filled with their observations or questions that come to mind as they study.
For example, a child who struggles with science could create a fun interactive science journal filled with science-related activities, questions, and other items that keep them engaged and interested in the subject matter.
Teachers often encourage students to keep reflective journals to contemplate on what they have learned. An interactive journal can help them improve their grades, and it might help them look forward to exploring new science and math concepts.
#11 Helps Them Have Fun Planning for Their Future
Children dream big. However, they are often quite shy and worry about what others may think of what they want to accomplish in life. Sometimes they won't share what their dreams are for fear of being judged. A journal is a safe place for children to explore their greatest hopes and aspirations in life.
A journal is a great way to strategize the steps they might want to take to achieve their aspirations and reflect on missteps along the way. Research has found that keeping a journal can really help with goal setting.
By writing down their goals and plans for the future, they might also realize that their dreams change and evolve over time.
Start a Daily Journal for Kids Today!
A journal is a beloved keepsake that your child can make their own and reflect on once they are older. There are lots of fun journal topics to explore with your child.
Expert Tip: Make sure you purchase a journal with lock so your child feels comfortable exploring their feelings.
Ready to get started with your child? Here is our favorite locking diary. Try it out and let us know what you think.
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